♥My CT Gurlzz♥

My Gurlzz

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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Tainted Love

New  Kit
You can Grab it HERE

New tag made by Karra this gurl is some talented
i love the tags she makes
you can check out more of her tags at
Karras Kreative Korner

Here is another tag made by my gurl Lavender Angel


Snag My Blinkie


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About Me

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Melissa's Inspirations
Im a 34yr old sahm to 2 handsome boys who keep me pretty busy.Im engaged to my soal mate and cant wait to be his wife. But when im not running after the boys i love to psp. I started about 4yrs ago and im totally hooked now. Im learning to do different things and i totally love it
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My Insptrations

My Insptrations
Tyler 12 Kohlby 4


All my scrapkits or any other designs I create are for personal use only not commercial unless stated otherwise. I use resources from other designers that deserve credit for their work..So please do NOT use anything in my kits for commercial use purposes. Do not redistribute, do not sell, do not claim as your own. If you would like to use any FTU kits in your forums please link back to this blog... Please respect my terms of use. If you have any questions regarding my terms you can contact me at metbrini@gmail.com . Thank you for reading my terms of use. Melissa missymattos@yahoo.com

CU License
